Marco Harari, MD

Marco Harari, MD
Photographer: Michal Roche-Ben Ami​

Marco Harari, MD was born in Egypt in 1955 and grew up in France. He graduated medical school with honors in Marseille, France in 1980. In 1983 he moved to Israel with his family and served as a doctor as part of the national health services. In 1989 he became the Director of the DMZ Medical Center at the Dead Sea.


In 1993 he began working as an associate scientist & consultant at the Dead Sea and Arava Science Center. In 2001 he became the co-director of the Joint Research Institute on Climatotherapy for Skin Diseases at the Dead Sea. Since 2016 he has been a senior lecturer at the Hebrew University, Jerusalem. He has published 36 articles in peer-reviewed journals and is a specialist in medical climatotherapy.


His fields of interest include: climatic factors at the Dead Sea and their applications to climatotherapy for skin, rheumatic, and other chronic diseases.

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