2018 Summit Program
The Dead Sea Research Institute
First global scientific summit
Life in Extreme Conditions – A Lesson from Nature
Monday, January 8th
10:00-10:30 - Greetings & Opening Remarks
Dr. Mira Marcus-Kalish - Medical Informatics, VC HBP, Director, International Research Affairs, TAU
Dov Litvinof - Mayor, Tamar Regional Council in Israel’s Southern District
Prof. Joseph Klafter - President, Tel Aviv University (TAU)
Prof. Mauro Ferrari - Chairperson, International Board of Governors
Dead Sea Research Institute (DSRI)
Prof. Zvi Bentwich, MD - Director, Masada Branch, Arava Dead Sea Science Center
Introduction of:
Prof. Ehud Gazit - Chairperson, Executive Research Steering Committee
Prof. Mauro Ferrari - Chairperson, International Board of Governors
Dead Sea Research Institute (DSRI)
10:30-10:50 - The Treasures & Uniqueness of the Dead Sea: An Overview
Dr. Mira Marcus-Kalish - Medical Informatics, VC HBP, Director, International Research Affairs, TAU
10:50-11:15 - Coffee Break
11:15-13:00 - Session I: Health & Biomedical Translational Research
Chairman: Prof. Yoav Henis, VP R&D TAU
Advanced Human Studies & Treatment: Why at the Dead Sea?
Dr. Marco Harari, MD - Joint Research Institute on Climatotherapy for Skin Diseases at the Dead Sea, Hadassah Medical Center
Heat Acclimatization Mediated Cardio-Protection: A Lesson from Diastolic Chamber Stiffness Post Coronary Bypass Surgery
Prof. Michal Horowitz - Laboratory of Environmental Physiology, Hebrew University
Prof. Arthur Pollak, MD - Cardiology, Hadassah Medical Center
The Microbiome Core Facility – A New Horizon for Agriculture Medicine & Science Education at the Dead Sea
Prof. Zvi Bentwich, MD - Director, Masada Branch, Arava Dead Sea Science Center, Head, Center for Tropical Diseases and AIDS, Ben Gurion University
Dead Sea Skin Research – New Findings in Treatments & Products
Dr. Zeev Ma’or - CTO R&D, AHAVA - Dead Sea Laboratories
Desert Plants: "Green Pesticides" and Novel Metabolites for Drug Discovery
Dr. Rivka Ofir - Dead Sea & Arava Science Center, and Ben Gurion University
13:00-14:30 - Lunch
14:30-16:30 Panel Discussion: A Lesson from Nature – The Take Home Message
Prof. Mauro Ferrari - Chairperson, International Board of Governors
Dead Sea Research Institute (DSRI)
Prof. Lene Juel Rasmussen - Managing Director, Center for Healthy Aging, Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Copenhagen University, Denmark
Prof. Flavia Marinelli - Fermentation Chemistry and Biotechnology University of Insubria, Varese, Italy
Prof. Eliot Siegel - VC Research Information Systems, University of Maryland, School of Medicine, Department of Diagnostic Radiology and Nuclear Medicine, USA
Prof. Patrick Hunziker, MD - Deputy Head of the Clinic for Intensive Care Medicine, University Hospital of Basel, Switzerland
Avi Yaron - CEO of Joy Ventures
17:00-18:30 - Cocktail Reception at Kibbutz Ein-Gedi
20:00 - Dinner
Tuesday, January 9th
09:30-11:00 - Session II: Life in Extreme Conditions – Lessons from Nature
Chairman: Prof. Yaron Oz - Rector, TAU
Dead Sea Fault: a Unique Global Site
Prof. Zvi Ben Abraham - Israel Academy of Science
Earthquake Fishing in the Dead Sea: How to Characterize Rare Invisible Processes in Real Time
Dr. Hillel Wust-Bloch - School of Earth Sciences, TAU
Life Under Extreme Conditions: Diurnal Activity in Small Desert Rodents
Prof. Noga Kronfeld - Chair, Chair, School of Zoology, Head, Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology Laboratory, Faculty of Life Sciences, TAU
The DEad SEa Research VEnue (DESERVE) Project - Lessons for the Future
Prof. Pinhas Alpert - Department of Geosciences, TAU
11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
11:30-13:00 Panel Discussion: Lessons from Nature
Moderator: Prof. Zeev Levin - The Goldemberg Chair - Atmospheric Physics, Faculty of Exact Sciences, TAU
Prof. Jonathan Trent - Director, OMEGA Global Initiative; Biomolecular Engineering, UC Santa Cruz, NASA
Prof. Fritz Geiser - Director, Centre for Behavioral and Physiological Ecology (BPE), School of Environmental and Rural Science, New England University, Australia
Dr. Eiichi Fukuyama - Director of Earthquake and Tsunami Research Division NIED
Prof. Jos Lelieveld - Max Planck Institute
13:00-14:30 - Lunch
14:30-16:00 Masada Nowadays Excavation
A guided tour with Dr. Guy Stiebel - TAU Institute of Archeology
16:00-16:30 - Coffee Break
16:30-17:30 - Session III: Environment as Cross Boundary Collaboration - A Bridge between Conflicts
Chairman: Prof. Raanan Rein - Vice President, TAU
Prof. Noga Kronfeld - Chair, Chair, School of Zoology, Head, Ecological and Evolutionary Physiology Laboratory, Faculty of Life Sciences, TAU
Migrating and Resident Birds Coping with Extreme Conditions
Prof. Yosi Leshem - Zoology Department, Faculty of Life Sciences, TAU, Founder & Director, International Center for the Study of Bird Migration at Latrun
Reconstructing History by Genetics: The DNA of the Dead Sea Scrolls
Dr. Noam Mizrachi - Acting Chair, Department of Biblical Studies, Faculty of Humanities
The time-proof consistency of creating semantic fields in Hebrew
David Benshabat - Head, Centerfor Regional Thinking. Director, DSRI
19:00 - Dinner followed by a Night Tour of the Botanic Gardens
Wednesday, January 10th
09:30-11:30 - Session IV: Science - Where to in the Next Decade
Chairman: Prof. Mauro Ferrari - President and CEO, Houston Methodist Research Institute, Director, Institute for Academic Medicine at Houston Methodist Hospital, Executive Vice President, Houston Methodist Hospital
Trends in 21st Century Science
Prof. Alan Leshner - Chief Executive Officer, Emeritus, AAAS and former Executive Publisher, Science.
Information Theory and the Future of Computation
Dr. Dario Gil - Vice President of IBM AI and IBM Q
Qyo Vadis Modern Biology
Prof. Mart Saarma - Institute of Biotechnology University of Helsinki
Precision Medicine - reality to dream? Scince and Medicine 21st Century
Prof. Dan Peer - Managing Director, Center for Translational Medicine TAU
Open discussion and research proposal presentation
Dr. Mira Marcus-Kalish - Medical Informatics, VC HBP, Director, International Research Affairs, TAU - Concluding remarks
12:00-13:30 Lunch
13:30 - Guided Tour of the Dead Sea Sinkholes
Return to Tel Aviv
You can download the Conference Program here