Dr. Mira Marcus-Kalish

Dr. Mira Marcus-Kalish
Photographer: Michal Roche-Ben Ami​

Dr. Mira Marcus-Kalish is the Director of International Research Collaborations at Tel Aviv University. Her main areas of interest are mathematical modelling, converging technologies and data mining.


Dr. Kalish holds a Ph.D. in Operations Research from the Technion-Israel Institute of Technology, where she developed one of the first computerized systems for electrocardiogram (ECG) diagnosis. She completed her postdoctoral training at Harvard University, the MBCRR (Molecular Biology Computer Research and Resource) laboratory and at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute. She was awarded her B.Sc. is in Statistics and Biology from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.


Upon her return to Israel, she joined the Tel Aviv University Business School, establishing the pioneering Medical Management program focusing on Medical Informatics. Kalish later joined the Weizmann Institute of Science, working with Prof. Ephraim Katzir on protein interactions, specificity and sensitivity. The two researchers moved back to Tel Aviv University to the Biotechnology Department taking active part in NBIC, Converging Technologies and contributing to the recent EU-US Wtec-NBIC2 activities and publication.


In the private sector, Dr. Kalish served as the scientific advisor and then the head of the Enterprise Marketing Department of IBM Israel. She played an active role in many EU framework projects such as the Nano2Life Network of Excellence, SkinTreat, ReNaChip, EpoCan, etc. Currently she is involved in active EU projects including NanoAthero, GLAM, ENATRANS and HBP-the Human Brain Flagship Project leading the Medical Informatics Sub Project. Her focus is disease signature identification based on targeted analysis of micro and macro environmental knowledge and data, both scientific and clinical. The newly-developed approach and analytical tools are trying to meet the challenges of big versus small data, missing values, various data sources, etc. towards reliable, replicable reproducible personalized and precise medicine.


Other areas of research include rehabilitation of the discrete sensory motor, learning function, drug toxicity, learning machine systems, data mining, and, most recently, a broad band project on healthy aging. Dr. Kalish is proud to be one of the strong believers in the uniqueness of the Dead Sea region and its possible contributions to life and was one of the researchers that established the Dead Sea Research Institute.


Watch Dr. Mira Marcus-Kalish lecture >

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