Prof. Patrick Hunziker, MD
Prof. Patrick Hunziker, MD is a physician and scientist working at the University Hospital of Basel, Switzerland, in the position of Deputy Head of the Clinic for Intensive Care Medicine. After medical studies at the University of Zurich, he wrote a doctoral thesis in experimental immunology, and he specialized in Internal Medicine, Cardiology and Intensive Care Medicine including fellowships at the University Hospital of Basel, University of Geneva (Switzerland), and the Massachusetts General Hospital (Boston, U.S.). His scientific and medical experience includes professional work in Europe, the U.S., China and Africa.
He was awarded a professorship at the University of Basel, Switzerland based on research in computer vision in cardiology. Starting in the late 90s, he started activities in Nanomedicine, and founded, together with Beat Loeffler, Dr. med.h.c. the nonprofit CLINAM Foundation for Clinical Nanomedicine to advance the application of nanoscience in medicine. He is founding president of the International Society for Nanomedicine.
His current research integrates nanoscience (microfluidics, intelligent nanomaterials), embedded high-performance computing, and computational modeling from nano to macro to physiology, with the aim to contribute to the progress of medicine for the benefit of patients and society. His 200 papers have been cited 8000 times; he helped shape spin-off companies out of his research group and is author of a number of patents.